

July 2024

Announcement: New CEO Italy Appointment

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Stefan Duran Head Sales Benelux

July 2024

How Does Employee Well-being Fit Into Strategy?

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July 2024

Madeline Dessing (UWV): ‘Meaningful Work Contributes to Employee Well-being’

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July 2024

The Strategic Importance of Employee Well-being

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Stefan Duran Head Sales Benelux

July 2024

Stefan Duran: 'Our grief coaching is unique'

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February 2024

Esmé Valk (Schiphol): ‘Improving Well-Being Is Complex, But Gratifying’

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February 2024

Gitte Kristiansen: ‘Absence Management Should Be on the Board Agenda’

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Stefan Duran Head Sales Benelux

December 2023

Employee Well-Being: Attention To the Human Behind the Job Description

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November 2023

The Wtp: Urgent Advice to Employers

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November 2023

HR and the Future Pensions Act Part 2

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November 2023

HR and the Future Pensions Act Part 1

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October 2023

Pension Advisor Jacintha van Bijnen-Den Haag (Aon): ‘Companies Face Significant Challenges’

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August 2023

The Three-Pronged Approach Called Partner Pension Becomes A Complicated Puzzle

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July 2023

elipsLife Netherlands appoints Gielijn Arends as CEO

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May 2022

Post pandemic HR policies: 'You need to soak up the company culture'

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June 2023

Stefan Duran: Diversity and inclusion? ‘Start with equal gender opportunities’

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June 2023

Daan Kleinloog: ‘New Pension System is Not Getting Any Simpler’

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June 2023

Pension Specialist Roos van der Velden: ‘The Real Problem Is Not Being Addressed’

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May 2023

Theo Gommer on the New Pension System: ‘It Is Still Too Impersonal’

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Stefan Duran Head Sales Benelux

March 2023

D&I: A Justifiable Nuance in The New Corporate Governance Code

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November 2022

What you need to know about WIA

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Stefan Duran Head Sales Benelux

September 2022

Stronger in the battle for talent. An article by Stefan Duran, Head Sales elipsLife Benelux

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June 2022

Better absence management starts with data

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July 2022

Interview with Bill Baker from Wolters Kluwer

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Stefan Duran Head Sales Benelux

June 2022

Diversity and inclusion in the new corporate governance code

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Eiger Mönch

July 2022

Sale of elipsLife to Swiss Life International completed

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May 2022

Monique Rial Lisboa about post Covid HR: 'You don't develop a culture behind a screen'

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Stefan Duran Head Sales Benelux

april 2022

elipsLife in Pension Pro: 'Incapacity for work premiums up by 25% since 2018'

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Stefan Duran Head Sales Benelux

januari 2022

FD outlook 2022 door Stefan Duran

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Business Report 2021

Business Report 2021

Exceeded expectations

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januari 2022

elipsLife Benelux lid van Verbond van Verzekeraars

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januari 2022

Kerncijfers 2022 Ministerie Sociale Zaken en Belastingdienst

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Eiger Mönch

December 2021

Swiss Re agrees to sell elipsLife to Swiss Life International and to enter into a long-term partnership supported by reinsurance

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October 2021

We are here to support our customers and business partners

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Alex Kirk CFO elipsLife

September 2021

Alex Kirk to succeed Wouter Moritz

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Delta variant

Expert article on the Delta variant, September 2021

A life insurer’s view on the Delta variant

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Jan Möller CEO DE/AT

June 2021

Jan Möller succeeds Lucas Müller as elipsLife CEO Germany & Austria

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Jennifer Hartley Head Medical Insurance

June 2021

elipsLife strengthens its Executive Team with the appointment of Jennifer Hartley

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Julien Descombes

April 2021

Christoph Gaus succeeded by Julien Descombes as CEO elipsLife

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2020 Business Report News

Business Report 2020

Shaped by change

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CRO CUO elipsLife strengthens its Executive Team with two new members

December 2020

elipsLife strengthens its Executive Team with two new members

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Gross Fieschhorn

June 2020

elipsLife moves to Swiss Re’s Corporate Solutions

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Two new ET members

April 2020

Two new Executive Team members joined in April

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Business Report

Business Report 2019

An eventful year of light and shadow

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We continue to serve our customers

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Schreckhorn Finsteraarhorn

13 November 2019

Pierluigi Verderosa appointed new elipsLife CEO Italy

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Schreckhorn Finsteraarhorn

Article in PW.magazine, November 2019

Het is hoog tijd voor verzuimaanpak 2.0

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Picture of Christoph Gaus

18 October 2019

Reto Toscan succeeded by Christoph Gaus as CEO elipsLife

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Media Release - 20.03.2019

More than one billion in premiums for elipsLife in 2018

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Gross Fieschhorn

Interview met lokaal expert James van der Spek

Het gebruik van big data bij verzuim management

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Interview met Diana Monissen

Diana Monissen over kankerbestrijding met de juiste workforce

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Expert Article in Analyse Economie #6

Bedrijfsstrategie kan niet zonder proactief workforce management

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Substantial growth and major investments

Media Release - 09.05.2018

Significant growth for elipsLife in 2017

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Eiger Mönch

Pensioen & Praktijk, Mei 2017

Basis ORV voor iedereen met een belastbaar inkomen.

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Vakartikel MT500, uitgave mei 2017

Internationaal verzekeren met lokaal maatwerk

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Anspruchsvolles 2016 für elipsLife

Media Release - 09.05.2017

Challenging 2016 for elipsLife

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Premium growth, reduced profits

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Premium growth and record profit – new appointments to BoD and EB

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Strong growth, substantial increase in profit, encouraging combined ratio

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Kaspar Weiss has been appointed the new CIO

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elipsLife in the fast Lane

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New offices and address

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Change to the shareholder structure of elipsLife

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