All risk products from a single source Alle Risikodeckungen aus einer Hand
Solutions • Overview

Total solutions and first-class service

Solutions Overview

Insurance solutions for all client requirements and all services from a single team: the total-solution approach. Our clients benefit from our advice, administration, management services and in terms of costs.

Comprehensive solutions from a single source

Comprehensive solutions from a single source

elipsLife offers all insurance solutions with one on-site team and one system. These single-source services make clients’ lives easier and more cost-effective: just one point of contact, no duplications, no over- or underinsurance, just one integrated IT platform, as well as efficient claims processing. This approach leads to lower overall costs and more sustainable premium rates.

Total solutions from a single provider
Cost efficiency

Fully on track

Fully on track

As a company that operates in several countries, has a premium volume of more than 750 Mio EUR, and achieves sustainable growth, elipsLife is fully on track. Our growth and our high level of cost awareness allow us to finance all of our expansion projects with funds we have generated ourselves.

Cost efficiency

Example 1

Distribution of loss due to disability as a function of age

Example 2

Distribution of loss due to disability as a function of age

International Expertise

International expertise

International Expertise

elipsLife offers country-specific personal insurance solutions. Our experts apply their skills and expertise to create innovative, forward-looking solutions. As a wholly owned subsidiary of Swiss Life International, elipsLife has access to a wealth of relevant information and incomparable global expertise.

International Expertise
International Expertise
Customer-centric Service

Clear client focus

Clear client focus

elipsLife offers first-class client service. Every client benefits not only from needs-based, innovative insurance solutions but also from a personal contact partner, a straightforward service, and short decision-making paths. Quality and efficiency are the core elements of benefit management, and the client-focused benefit processes are the hallmark of elipsLife.

It's all about the client
It's all about the client