Expert article on the Delta variant, September 2021

A life insurer’s view on the Delta variant

The Delta variant, which is now dominant in many countries around the world, is creating severe health risks to vulnerable and unvaccinated populations globally.

In one of the latest articles on COVID-19 from the Swiss Re Institute, author Adam Strange, Life & Health R&D Analyst, talks about the Delta variant. This mutated virus continues to spread globally, and due to its 60% higher transmissibility, it currently accounts for the majority of cases in nearly every country outside of Latin America. While increasing numbers of vaccinated people and new medical advances are helping to limit the number of severe cases and hospitalizations, COVID-19 remains a challenge.

What is elipsLife’s view on the Delta variant?
elipsLife provides biometric risk insurance to institutional customers in select business-to-business markets. Our comprehensive solutions cover the financial consequences of accident, illness and loss of life, also for COVID-19 related claims. Thus, we insure an active workforce in 8 European countries. As the Delta variant is driving case numbers across continental Europe, we are closely monitoring and analyzing the impacts of circulating variants such as Delta. It could cause more severe health impacts in some countries due to vaccine inequities. This is an area of concern, as we see one of the greatest health risks in un- or not fully vaccinated populations. As countries look to remove restrictions, rising numbers of those infected or hospitalized from the Delta variant are slowing further reopening and could result in the reintroduction of some or even new restrictions over time.

What is elipsLife’s current outlook on the Delta variant?
As a life insurer we continue to analyze and identify the risks related to COVID-19 and their potential impact on our life insurance products.

In the market segments elipsLife operates, already fairly high and still increasing vaccination levels combined with a moderate mortality risk support a more positive outlook. However, we are very vigilant when it comes to the reported increases in anxiety disorders, depressions and the possible long-term effects of Long-COVID that could potentially result in further insurance claims. Nevertheless, the number of mortality claims stemming from COVID-19 related deaths could still be lower especially among the vaccinated populations in the active workforce compared to prior waves of the pandemic.

With the variants continuing to spread and with some questions lingering around the effectiveness of vaccinations, it is clear that COVID-19 remains a challenge for life insurers and society alike.


Reference to Swiss Re article
Read the full Swiss Re Institute article here.

A life insurer’s view on the Delta variant
